We happen to live in the digital age when all information is only a click of the mouse away. There is still, however, no effective replacement of physical dictionaries and manuals as comprehensive sources of authentic information. Their enormous utility notwithstanding, the greatest drawback of physical dictionaries and manuals is their great bulk. They take up too much space and are just too heavy to be transported with ease. Having one's dictionaries and manuals digitized can be a canny solution to these problems. Digitization not just solves storage and transportability issues but also renders dictionaries' and manuals' data easily searchable. However, the immensity and complexity of the data contained by the average dictionary or manual makes this a task for the specialist.
Data entry from dictionaries and manuals is a task demanding great application and diligence. The average dictionary or manual is densely packed with information which can be put to a great variety of uses. This information is arranged in minute bits though and the greatest care has to be undertaken when entering it. Every mistake that is made in entering this data diminishes its utility. Dictionary data especially is left utterly worthless by the slightest error that is made in entering it. Similarly to maintain accuracy of the information in encyclopedias, you need professionals who have expertise in rendering encyclopedias data entry services.
At Data-Entry-India.com we will quickly and accurately deliver manuals data entry services to save your time, money and labor. Your dictionaries' and manuals' data, thus, will become more accessible and readily usable.
Our data entry professionals possess both the experience and the technical dexterity necessary to deliver dictionaries data entry services with a near hundred percent accuracy. We will digitize your dictionaries and manuals so that they are compatible with online applications and databases. We are equally competent with both the single and double entry keying techniques. Further, to ensure maximum accuracy, our professionals work on dual monitors. Whenever necessary and feasible we will use OCR and ICR tools to capture and digitize the data from your dictionaries and manuals. We perform data entry from dictionaries and manuals with an ingenious blend of technology and human assiduity.
Our rates are the most competitive in the industry and our turnaround rates the quickest. We put a finished project through the most thorough and exacting quality check. We will deliver you the finished project in any of the following formats:
You also have the option of having the finished project delivered as a secure FTP download or burnt on CDs and DVDs.
For more information mail us at info@data-entry-india.com.