Top Hacks To Perfect Your eBay Product Listings

eBay Product Listings Services

With approximately 1.5 billion live listings, eBay marketplace has emerged as the global eCommerce leader. If you are on the lookout for increasing sales on eBay, you must first understand how eBay’s search engine works and also how businesses are going into the details to stay ahead in the competition.

Though setting up an eBay store is a five-finger exercise, it is imperative that you glance through these amazing hacks to excel your eBay product listings and sell better:

  • Quality Matters The Most

    When a prospective customer visits your product detail page, he/she expects it to give him/her a better idea of what the product has to offer before actually clicking on the ‘buy’ button. He/she can get this clarity by seeing the product photos.

    While you do all the beautification, it is imperative that you pay heed to the quality of photos uploaded to the page. After all, images speak a thousand words. Your prospect must be able to view every intricate detail in the images uploaded. So make sure you choose a good camera and capture images with close-up views and from different angles, and optimize them to remove distortions, if any. Don’t forget to upload as many photos as you can. Just so you know eBay allows you to incorporate 12 images, that too for free.

  • Describe Better To Convert Better

    Writing clearer product descriptions is one of the things you must do to give your prospects a better idea of what you are offering to them and how it actually fulfills their needs.

    Product descriptions need to be clear, accurate, and easy to comprehend. Writing wordy descriptions is a big no-no. Keep it short, crisp and informative. If you want to create a greater impact, incorporate bullet points and highlight only the relevant information. Focus on demonstrating the key features and benefits to garner the attention and rank your products higher in relevant searches. Also, don’t forget to proofread it once you are done writing it.

  • Spamming Won’t Help

    Adding relevant keywords in your content is a good thing to direct more relevant product searches, but overdoing it won’t really help. In fact the keyword spamming, or you can say, keyword stuffing can actually lead to violation of eBay’s policy.

    Try to stick to three to five keywords and incorporate them in product descriptions, image alt tags, meta tags, page titles, and so on. You can use some common search terms related to your products and use them wisely to drive in more viewers on your product page. Take the help of professional product copywriters with a track record of rendering exceptional eBay data entry services.

  • Surprise With An Apt Price

    Right pricing is an essential part of a product listing. When you are selling a product, you must set the price keeping in mind a number of factors, one of the most crucial ones being taking into account the price of competitors’ products of similar nature. Connect with an expert who is adept at delivering eBay product listing services and as a part of it, managing your inventory efficiently.

  • Go Soft On The Return Policy

    Offering a generous return policy can take you a long way. We understand that dealing with customers’ returns can be quite a challenge for you as a seller, but given that eBay boosts listings of those who offer a minimum of 30 days return policy, it is totally worth it. Infact going for anything above 30 days can actually boost your sales immensely.

  • Easy Shopping, Fast Shipping / Shipping Fees – Fast & Free

    If you are offering free shipping to your customers and that too with speedy delivery options, then it will surely help you increase your eBay sales.

Follow these super useful tips to improve the bottom line and stay ahead of the game.

Seek Professional Help

Explore distinct ways to push your eBay store to the top with a boost in product listings. is a reliable eBay data entry service provider offering exemplary eBay product data entry and upload services to drive more conversions in your eBay store without much of a hassle. We possess over two decades of experience in building product listings that rank higher in search results. Get in touch with us at to know more.



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